Me too

The “me too” movement is spreading like wildfire across social media and news platforms nationwide. Women (and even men) are finally breaking their silence to express different forms of sexual harrassment that they’ve experienced in life and to me, the numbers are staggering! For years these people have lived with a secret shame and here in 2017, it’s about time that they speak up and be heard to give people a sense of the magnitude of this problem.

But in supporting this cause on my own social media site this week, I was met with ignorance and defensiveness, which was very confusing to me until I really sat down to think about it.

My simple post read: 

The “me too” movement is hitting my Facebook feed strong. I cannot believe that in 2017 women are still having to put up with these issues in silence. Stand up, be heard, and know that you are not alone. #metoo

This post is not for or against any particular person, party or group (besides harassers that is) but somehow this message got misconstrued and quickly became a defensive rant about me hating the current President.

Trust me - I was a shocked as you are. I thought - what the hell?!? This should be uniting people from all over who have faced these atrocities. It should NOT be causing political divide! This has nothing to do with him. But then, doubting my own definition I quickly looked up more info on the “me too” movement.

Recent news media on specific people like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and other men with power in Hollywood may have set this movement in motion and with the help of a tweet from Alyssa Milano, it’s picking up some steam!

Perhaps more women than expected are speaking up now. I think what Trump supporters may fear is that the more women  who come forward, the more likely government officials in power will get singled out as guilty of harrassment or assault themselves. This may uncover more than just “locker room talk” and “pussy-grabbing” shenanigans. This may uncover a whole sea of slime balls who have gone under the radar for years! 

So if that’s what defensive Trump supporters are worried about - then be worried! Women (and men) are speaking out now and no one deserves to be sexually abused or harassed in silence. This movement should be utilized to unite a nation against an underlying epidemic of harrassment. Let’s end this together! #metoo 

-Crystal Olguin

October 17, 2017  

October 19th

October 19th

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