DisneyWorld 2001!
There’s a lot of hub-ub about the 50th anniversary of Disney World. I wish we could make it out there, but I don’t know about that right now. We have been there though… 20 years ago.
We went in July of 2001. If you want to know the circumstances of that trip, you can read it here.
Now back then we came equipped with something not many people had seen, a digital camera.
It was called a Sony Mavica. It was one of the only digital cameras available at the time.
The real kicker is it saved images on a diskette!
A diskette!
You kids know it as the save the “save” symbol.
That symbol was based on a real thing, the diskette. We thought these disks were lost over the years.
Crystal found them recently but then I had to order a diskette drive to read the disks so I could save the images.
We took so much more shots than we have here, but after 20 years not every image was still readable. I’m missing shots of the “Peoplemover” and the “Carousel of Progress’ but alas that’s the best we could do to save them.
So join us taking a trip back in time to the year of our Lord, 2001, and the Disney World that existed then.
Arriving at EPCOT. This is only 2001 why does it look like 1981?
It was so rad toI finally made it to EPCOT! I have dreamed of this since I was little. Who knew a giant metal golfball could make you so happy! finn
Me showing some leg in front of the Living Seas. This was the OG 1980s show still. it was the last summer on the water taxis.
Crystal at the Living Seas!
Me on the phone standing in front on the the Coca-Cola Club cool where they have the sodas from around the world, including everyone’s favorite Beverly.
Me enjoying the view of the fishes!
Crystal seems fishy.
Deep sea Mike makes the sea livable for all!
Mike takes his first legal drink…
Crystal with a Lion Fish. We loved Duce Bigelow at the time and if you know, you know.
One of those famous random Florida downpours.
The now defunct “Life Pavilion”.
The Life Pavilion had a show called “The Making of Me” Where Martin Short explained “the birds and the bees” to confused kids and nervous parents.
The “reimagined” Imagination Pavilion. This was the short lived, super insulting “you have no imagination “ version.
This is “Buzzy” from “Cranium Command” This a long extinct show that showed you how the brain works. .
Still love How giant I look in this pic.
Crystal standing in front of the hot air balloons in “The Land Pavilion”.
The now-defunct “Malestrom” in EPCOT. You can actually see the Viking ride boats almost fall out of the waterfall. It’s a frozen ride now.
Magic Kingdom postcard.
Standing in front of the castle! So happy!
As a Cast Member of Disneyland, I got a bunch of freebees at Disney World. I wanted to make sure I got all of them. Even my free wheelchair…
Just arrived at Magic Kingdom
East coast haunted mansion.
Ready for adventure / dorkyness.
A ghost and the back of some balding guys head. I’m sure he’s a Cueball by now.
Entrance to the Main Street photo studio. Looking dorky.
Steamboat Mikey.
Crystal in the Plaza Inn set.
Crystal looking Dopey.
Animal Kingdom front gate in the year 2001.
Entrance to Animal Kingdom
Crystal on the same trail.
In the Asian animals section that is fully themed.
Crystal near the Tigers.
The Tiger.
An Elephant up close!
This is in the Africa section of the park in the fictional town of Harambe. This whole place looks so cool and international.
This Jurassic Park wannabe ride “Dinosaur, Countdown to Extinction” was really scary and just like the Indiana Jones ride.
This is Gerdy the dinosaur she’s an ice cream stand in what was at the time ”Disney MGM Studios”
The “Prime Time Cafe” was so rad! You eat in a 1950’s kitchen with retro TV shows playing. The menu is straight 1950s food and your server is your “Aunt,” “Uncle,” or some other “family” member that will yell at you for putting your elbows on the table or the like. Not as fun as Sci-Fi Cafe but better food.
The lobby of the “Tower of Terror” looks a like the Biltmore in downtown LA.
Sunset blvd. in Disney MGM looks a lot like DCA.
The big guitar in front of “Rockin Roller Coaster.”