Chernobyl Propaganda-style poster by me, Mike Olguin
So we were watching the show Chernobyl on HBO, and I was inspired to make this poster. I really like old propaganda art so I thought it would be cool to make a propaganda type poster as the art for a review of the show.
I wanted to be on top of it pop-culture wise, so we started watching Chernobyl, the day after the last episode Game of Thrones aired. We got about four episodes in, and stopped and forgot about it and now the pop-culture train is already on to the next thing. This is not a commentary on the show, or perhaps it is...
It's based on a real-life nuclear accident in Russia back in the eighties. It's a compelling story and really well done, and that's the problem. With the sound system on, you can hear every click of the Geiger-counter and a creepy subsonic rumble every time they even get near the reactor. You feel as if you the viewer are being exposed to radiation just by watching.
It plays out like a Hollywood disaster movie, but it's based on real events, so it's pretty heavy stuff. If I have one criticism, the strangely all British cast can be a little dry sometimes. I feel like they could have at least tried to do a Russian accent, but that's just me. Anywho, I hoped to finish watching this series for a complete idea of the story and better review (perhaps I still will), but I'm anxious to move to the next thing for now. I liked the art I did so I couldn't let the topic go to waste. For an intense, suspenseful show based on real events, check out Chernobyl on HBO.
-Mike Olguin