Know Your Aliens.
So there's been a lot of stories in the news about UFOs lately, not to mention various disclosure focused TV shows and media going around as well. It seems the cat is slowly being let out of the bag regarding aliens. To what end, it is still too early to say but for whatever reason we’re finally starting to get some answers.
In case you aren't familiar; I thought I'd explain the known types of entities out there.
I've been interested in aliens my whole life and have read books, seen a million tv shows, movies and kept up with news about these things.
I'm not an expert or anything, and not everything is to be believed out there, but the evidence and accounts of these things are piling up and checking out. A pattern is emerging, and it's time to give this stuff some real pause before we’re surprised.
Let's start with everyone's favorite, the most famous of all aliens, the Grays.
“Gray Alien” by Mike Olguin
Gray Aliens
There are actually many types of gray aliens. Some are theorized to be more or less biological robots, and others are more humanoid, but they share many of the same features. From books to movies and documentaries, there is a ton of information on the Grays.
The works of Dr. Steven Greer and Bob Lazar are great places to start if you're interested.
They are generally short in stature with longer than normal limbs, large heads, big eyes and of course gray skin.
Some can speak vocally, others do not, but they are all known to have the ability to communicate telepathically with each other as well as to humans.
For some reason in pop culture, they are often depicted nude, but they sometimes wear a silver jumpsuit or a pressure suit.
I haven't seen any accounts of Grays needing space suits to be here on the Earth’s surface. I can assume they are comfortable (or can at least tolerate) the air, temperature, and weather conditions here. Some Grays are known to photosynthesize light for energy. The others who don't photosynthesize, have teeth that seem to indicate they're omnivores. I wasn't able to find anything definitive on what (or who) they eat.
I mentioned that before that one type of Gray alien seems to be like a biological robot. They are hive-minded and suspected to be working with another race of entities to keep an eye on us.
The other more sentient Grays seem to be monitoring us out of curiosity. They offer help so that we'll be better galactic neighbors. There have been more than a few secret interactions between humans and Grays in the military and of course, civilian abductees. Surprisingly, they are highly individual with likes, dislikes, joys, sorrows, and families back home.
If Gray aliens are so top secret, then why are they so famous? Well, the atomic tests of the 1940’s and 50's brought a lot of attention across the galaxy. It's believed that Gray aliens observing the tests were the first to have crashed near an airbase in Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940’s. People witnessed the bodies and debris recovered, and there was even a famous newspaper article before the incident was denied and covered up.
Also, during this time, there were many accounts from people claiming to have been abducted. Somehow, bits and pieces of these encounters trickled out into pop-culture and homogenized into a general understanding of what Grays look like over the last 70 years.
So given their familiarity, the Grays are likely to be the first beings acknowledged by the government. Maybe they'll make a public appearance after that. What do they want? There are too many different types to get a definitive answer as to what they want, but try not to look surprised.
“Reptoid” by Mike Olguin
Next up are the Reptoids; the scariest but most potentially fiction beings.
These beings are as if humans evolved from reptiles instead of from mammals. In other words, they have all the familiar parts but with lizardy features and motivations.
While most portrayals of Reptoids come from cheesy sci-fi movies; abductee descriptions, military sightings, and ancient art have described such beings.
They are the source of wild speculation regarding everything from their appearance to their motives.
Accounts of them range from horrifying, barbaric shape-shifting monsters, to very human-like (if not a little shady) regular type folks.
A common occurrence is for a Reptoid to appear human through masks and disguises or even shape-shifting.
It's easy to disregard Reptoids as just a manifestation of man's fears because of the biblical nature of the serpent.
Are these Reptoids just monster movie fiction we imagine might be out there? Or, did real-life encounters with these beings influence the creation of these lizard-man archetypes in the stories passed down over the centuries?
Given that some Reptoids like war and eating people;
I hope these guys are less science and more fiction.
For Earth's sake…
“Insectoid” by Mike Olguin
While not as famous as the others, a lot of abductees and witnesses have described some human-like insect beings.
The case of the Mothman and the book "Into the Fringe" tell more about encounters with these creatures.
There are two main types. One is kind of ant-like and the other is kind of mantis-like. Some insectoids are said to have two appendages per limb. So like two hands per arm. Pretty gnarly, huh?
They are also known to communicate telepathically as well as vocally and through clicking sounds. A shared experience amongst abductees of this type of alien is a warning about the dangers of destroying the Earth's environment.
Although their insect-like appearance instinctually disturbs and repulses humans, they are not particularly hostile to abductees.
Their intentions remain unknown but based on the consistent environmental peace message they deliver, some speculate they are some sort of overseers of the planet. What they'll do to us when we go too far in polluting (or they find out about Raid) remains to be seen.
So that's it for today. It's a lot I know, but hey, knowledge is power, right? There are a few more types of aliens, and maybe I'll get into those later. Whether any of these guys show up publicly or the government admits to them, we'll get answers to what we always suspected eventually. What will this mean for us?
Probably not much of anything other than knowing there are other beings around. Sure they can teach us things and help us.
But it's exciting to think of having new ears to hear the story of humanity. Maybe that will give humans the particular kind of clarity one only gets from telling their story to new ears. Will we fight? Will we get along? Too early to say; but it will be fantastic to speak into the void and for the first time in history, hear the void speak back.
Thanks for reading!
-Mike Olguin