What's with the Name?

What's with the Name?

No, not a surname, middle name, or your cool college Nic-name. My blogs name. What's the deal with that?

Nothin' Much is a name I came up with because people would ask me what I have been up to, and "nothin'much" is usually what I'd say. That wasn't really true though. Over the course of the week, I've worked on various and random things, listened to great podcasts and saw interesting articles. I wanted to have a place where Crystal I can share in all the cool stuff along the way.

Now Nothin' Much encompasses both our work and stories. I love ironic names and thought it would be rad when people ask my blogs name to respond "yeah, it's nothin' much." So why is the domain Olguin Scene? Nothing or Nothin Much domains were taken and besides, I like the way it looks. The look on people's face when I say my blog's name is Olguin Scene verbaly is another matter though. It's really exciting to plan more stories and share more work. Thanks for reading!

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