Creepy Cult Classic: “Ghoulies 2
Tonight’s, Creepy Cult Classic is 1988’s “Ghoulies 2.”
This is the rare gem of a sequel that's better than it’s original, although considering this movie franchise, that’s not saying a whole lot.
If you’re old enough to have been to a mom and pop video store, you’ll know this flick as the one with the green monster coming out of the toilet. The giant cardboard display was in every one of those said places.
Ok, so what’s a Ghoulie anyway?
Well, In theory, it’s an evil spirit that was summoned by witches in the physical form of grotesque little creatures.
In actuality, they’re rip-off Gremlins that look like someone microwaved a Muppet and covered it in fake slime.
These little buggers find their way into a down on its luck traveling carnival and eventually start causing deadly mischief.
I say eventually because it’s a carnival; it takes people a while to notice the critters, but things really take off when they do.
This is by no means the scariest movie on the list, but it’s really entertaining the whole time! From the demented muppet reject Ghoulies, to the fun carnival setting and eighties nostalgia make this one of my favorites. Little people, 80s shenanigans, and a monster in the toilet gag!? I mean... come on.
-Mike Olguin
“Ghoulies 2” is available on Amazon Prime Video.
Art by me, Mike Olguin