On the Night Before Surgery
‘Twas the night before Surgery, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even Poof with his mouse.
The paperwork was placed by the front door with care,
In hopes that the big day soon would be there.
Everyone else was nestled, all snug in their beds,
While visions of worst case scenarios danced in my head.
Me in my sugar sling
So I broke my wrist over two weeks ago falling off of a brand new scooter. I reluctantly was dragged into Urgent Care the next day and with X-rays they discovered my radial bone had a Colles fracture. They wrapped me in a sugar sling and I had an appointment on Wednesday to possibly reset the wrist, then have it hard casted. Unfortunately, when they looked at it, they determined I needed surgery with a metal plate and permanent screws - yikes!
Do you see the crack across larger bone?
Now, I haven’t been put out and under the knife since I was 18 when I had a minor hernia surgery, so the night before this really freaks me out. They plan on cutting me on the inside of the left wrist, moving my veins, nerves and tendons aside then going in to piece it back together and put the metal plate in and close me up.
I tried to make light of it at work joking that I’m going to be “The Bionic Woman” with super strength and I’m going to beep at the airport next month, but this is all a distraction to keep me laughing. Truth be told I am terrified.
I hate pain, I get nauseous at the sight of blood, and I almost passed out the last time I went into orthopedics thinking they were going to rebreak my arm first (which they just rewrapped it by the way). Blah!
I know I’ll be put out completely and I’ll be in good hands and Mike will be there for me when I come to but my nerves are getting the best of me. Hopefully I’ll be able to sleep.
Wish me luck tomorrow! Two thumbs up 👍 👍
Thanks for reading and I will be back to blogging when I’m rested up!
-Crystal Olguin
October 8, 2018