The Monster at Lake Elizabeth

The Monster at Lake Elizabeth

Have a listen to my new, Nothing Much Podcast! In this first episode, I talk about the monster that used to lurk in a lake just north of Los Angeles! Heres some details:

 I heard Lake Elizabeth mentioned on a TV show, and it turns out the lake is home to a legendary monster! 

Not just any monster. A thunderbird! 

While there are numerous legends of thunderbirds across various cultures usually depicted as a giant eagle, all accounts of this Lake Elizabeth monster describe a terradactyl-like creature with a long tail. It’s bat like wings lending credence to it being the devils pet.  The lake is fed by an underground source deep within the fault. 

Being that fault lines are the source of earthquakes and connected to chambers deep within the earth it does add a bit of truth to the rumors of the lake being to hell.  


The first Spanish settlers in the early 1800's called it devils lake and said it contained his "pet."

The legends and lore of local Indians confirmed this.

More than just legend, terrifying growls, rumbling, shrieks, and moans seemed to have come from the lake itself. No one would settle in this area and those who tried were scared away. 

Then sometime in the 1880's Don Chico Lopez decided to chance building a ranch anyway.
Initially everything was fine but then large winged shadows would fly over the house and livestock began to go missing. 

He never did and skipped town.

A few years later a big tough guy from Basque Northern Spain named Miguel LeOnis bought the land.
After a few months, the creature began to eat his livestock, but that wouldn’t fly for a tough guy like Leonis. He grabbed a rifle and hid in waiting. He smelled a fowl smell, and began to hear the creature stir. 

He waited for it to begin to emerge… and Bam! shot at it! but the bullets bounced off.

Enraged, Leonis charged like a badass and struck the creature in the eye with the butt of his rifle. The creature flew away towards the east.  

That was in 1886 and the last time the creature was seen in California
What are you reading this for? Just listen to the podcast for the whole story.


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